Well, hello Internet!
I am stunned and amazed that anyone was able to find this blog, and if I'm honest, very very excited. Shout out to my German viewer, was not expecting that one, and also my American viewer, who was slightly less unexpected, but still made me refresh the page a few times just to be sure.
I regret to inform you that, once again, you are being subjected to my ramblings.
This time however, there may be something of value hidden in all the waffle, as interesting things have happened in my life since I last posted.
First things first, this will be a multiple-post story. I know it's a little presumptuous to have a multi-post story on such a new blog and still expect people to read it, but the formatting is simply too short to get it all out in one.
Plus it would get super long and word-vomit-y, then I'd start in with the run on sentences, and before you know it, I've got 6 pages of a story no one wants to read.
So, Second things second, the order things will be written in. This summer has been broken down into three very definite and distinctive time periods: Mission Trip, College, and Mountains. This being said, I will try to keep them in said order, although there is no guarantee that they will all take up the same amount of space.
Obviously there is no space to start one of the posts here, but I'm very excited about telling people about this, so I may post the first part tomorrow.
Layla Out
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