Hey everyone! This is, well, obviously its Layla. Unimportant. What is important, is the first ever post on this blog! So if you were hoping for an hour long novel-length spiel on my (totally fake) name, well, I'm sorry to disappoint you. That last part was a lie. I'm not sorry. I laugh at your disappointment.
So, down to business. If this blog isn't about my (still totally fake) name, then what is it about?
The answer: The rest of my life (sort of).
I like to think I'm at least slightly interesting, but for some, unknown, ephemeral reason, I am the world's most awkward person, and lack the skills to tell anyone anything of interest.
Much like when people ask you what your favorite movie is, and you want to say something cool like Avengers, or Spider-Man Homecoming (Spoiler Alert: I'm a huge geek), but the only movie you can remember is The Princess Bride. Given, the Princess Bride is a fantastic movie, and possibly the most quotable thing ever produced, but I'd like to be able to relate to my peers at least somewhat.
So, instead of continuing to publicly embarrass myself in front of other people, I have decided to leave it to you, the people of the internet, to decide whether or not this is any good.
I should update at least once every 3-7 days, but I'm super spacey, so that could get inconsistent at some point. Just send me an email or something if you're that interested.
Layla Out.
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